About EOYA

EOYA was born to assist with raising funds for the non-profit organization Pathways by creating an End Of Year Auction (EOYA) that was completely online and automated for the most part. It is the same concept as a charity style auction except participates can be involved purely online.

EOYA users can bid on auctions of which 100% off the proceeds go to the non-profit for that month.

EOYA users can also list their own items for free to be auctioned off with 100% of the proceeds going to the non-profit for that month.

Here is the monthly non-profit schedule for which proceeds are being donated to:

December 2019: Pathways
January 2020: To be determined
February 2020: To be determined
March 2020: To be determined
April 2020: To be determined
May 2020: To be determined
June 2020: To be determined
July 2020: To be determined
August 2020: To be determined
September 2020: To be determined
October 2020: To be determined
November 2020: To be determined
December 2020: To be determined

To enquire about adding your non-profit to our monthly community auctions contact us at [email protected]

To see our live auctions click here

To setup or add your own auction item/s click here

Once you have setup your account add auction items by clicking here


How do you handle shipping and handling?

Auction winners will pay the vendor directly for any shipping and handling costs or coordinate for pickup/delivery of item with the vendor.